Ford SVO Catalog

Mark Eidson mark.eidson at
Tue Dec 10 16:22:48 GMT 1996

Where can one get a Ford SVO Catalog?  Does SVO have a web page or e-mail
address?  me

At 07:42 AM 12/10/96 -0600, you wrote:
>Ford SVO catalog has a lower intake to adapt the 5.0 upper to a 351W.
>Part No. M-9461-A58  ....  $ 430.95 (retail)  $ 344.25 (jobber).
* Mark Eidson                        Voice: (602)752-6513                 *
* Staff Design Engineer                Fax: (602)752-6000                 *
* Manager System Integration and                                          *
*   Verification                    E-Mail:  mark.eidson at   *
* VLSI Technology, Inc.                                                   *
* 8375 South River Parkway                                                *
* M/S 265                                                                 *
* Tempe, Arizona     85284                                                *

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