Bob R. McElroy rmcelroy at midcom.anza.com
Mon Dec 16 08:13:46 GMT 1996

Justin "Tuck" Cordesman
SOLID BRASS-> She was getting robbed and I was getting blown away...

It's funny... these days the only sympathy I get is from a woman I tend =
annoy and a would-be assassin.

Just curious about your sig-line.  Do you think that nobody will =
recognize those last two lines, or that everybody will recognize them?  =
I would guess that anyone who is a Clint Eastwood fan would recognize =
that quote from the movie "In the Line of Fire" where Clint is a Secret =
Service agent trying to protect the president.  My personal favorite =
line from that movie is when Clint tells says he doesn't like to get to =
know the people he protects because he is worried that he would decide =
they were not worth saving (not an exact quote.  I'll have to watch the =
movie again to get the exact syntax.)

Strange though, I came in to work on Sunday night to find that I had 284 =
email messages in my inbox since noon Friday.  This is the only one that =
I was interested in enough to respond to.  Gotta go do some actual work =
now after a couple of hours of nothing but reading email.

Bob McElroy

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