Forwarded: Freon hoax
RABBITT_Andrew at
RABBITT_Andrew at
Fri Dec 20 00:11:37 GMT 1996
Gee this seems to come with a lot of scientific merit and credibility
at no extra cost!
From: (tom cloud) cloud at
Date: ## 12/19/96 09:03 ##
>From: "Harvest Trust" <harvest at>
>Date: Wed, 18 Dec 1996 11:23:35 -0700
>Subject: CAJI! No freon ban in Arizona
>There is NO freon ban in Arizona. We proved to our state legislators that
>the ozone holes are a hoax and that freon could not possibly be destroying
>the ozone in the "ionosphere" (correct name as there is NO ozone layer).
>And that the so-called ozone holes over the pole experiencing winter each
>winter at each pole are really not holes at all but rather a place where
>sunlight is not interacting with the oxygen in the atmosphere to produce
>ozone during the 6 months of darkness. The little sunlight that manages to
>hit the extreme upper atmosphere where there is little oxygen produces only
>a small amount ot ozone and thus there "seems" to be a hole. You can do
>the same in your state if you ban together and kick up the dust.
>By the way... my radio broadcast was the first in the world to expose the
>ozone hoax with scientific fact in 1992.
>William Cooper
Tom Cloud <cloud at>
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