Sensor Questions?
Land Shark
lndshrk at
Thu Feb 1 02:41:50 GMT 1996
At 17:47 1/31/96 CST, you wrote:
>Oh man, now I'm confused. MAF isn't good as the basis for fuel injection
>alone, since the amount of air past the MAF sensor isn't necessarily the
>amount of air into the engine.
Well, that's how BOSCH has done it since umm .. forever ..
There are *compensations* to MAF/rpm to make the pulse width up, but the
basis for fuel injection time is MAF signal ...
Also, things like delta MAF are used to signal acceleration and also
throttle position, etc etc etc ...
>Besides, as Scott explained earlier, SD
>systems are perfectly capable of learning about engine modifications, so
>what's the need for MAF? Is this true or not?
No, not unless the # of BLM cells (or adaptive locations) is equal to the
number of possible fuel map cells under those conditions .. so that EVERY
point in the fuel map is compensated .. to it's needed adjustment
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