Spellcheckers .....

marchil at ibm.net marchil at ibm.net
Wed Feb 7 13:26:56 GMT 1996

The bickering has went on long enough.
I will reply be my self.
And terminate it my self.

>Please feel free to disagree with me and continue to type garbage to the
>list. My reaction when I read it is that if the poster can't be bothered to
>pose the question properly, why should I waste my time answering it
>properly. It all depends upon whether you are a giver or a taker in this
>world I suppose.

I did not want to post any garbage.
And by just re reading my post would have help in getting read of most of the typos.

>>Your business side 
>>is showing. Be careful you don't let Superchips go to your head 
>>cyberspace will trash you if you do.

>Too late, it has already gone to my head, and tried to trash me as well, but
>fortunately it failed.

No need to point fingers at any one.

>> If the guy didn't speak English then the grammar and text content would be
>> very different and then everything would be excusable.
>I don't get it. Are you implying that if he had been *completely* 
>incoherent, that it would be OK; but that since he *almost* had it 
>right, that its not ? <poking you> -"are you for real ?" 

A quote from one of my English teachers will tell it all.
 "You speak like a native American but you write like an African pigmy"

 I think this sums it up.

I had remouved my spellchecker to re-partition my hard drive to install Linux

// Marchil at IBM.NET
// Alain Marchildon
// 1271 Bernard West
// Outremont, Quebec Canada
// H2V 1V8

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