Looking for low-cost ignition analysis 'scope

Bohdan.L.Bodnar at att.com Bohdan.L.Bodnar at att.com
Thu Feb 15 14:19:50 GMT 1996

Subject line states all!  I recall Sears selling a low-cost analog 'scope some
8 years ago under the Craftsman label.  If anyone knows where I can get one,
please inform me.

An alternative I've thought about is to use a regular "lab scope" with an
inductive pickup.  I have such a scope and inductive pickups ("ac amp
adaptor") are readily available (e.g., through Allied Electronics, Digikey,
etc.).  The problem is *calibrating* the scope for the given ignition pulse.
My primary concern is monitoring the firing line and spark line voltage.
Any thoughts on this approach?


Bohdan Bodnar
bohdan.l.bodnar at att.com

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