Looking for low-cost ignition analysis 'scope

thomas walter x5955 walter at roadster.sps.mot.com
Fri Feb 16 20:32:19 GMT 1996

> Anyone know the specs on these DVMs (what the data rate is, how
> fast they react to input changes, who really makes them, etc...)??

Used to be almost all the 3 1/2 digit DVMS had the Intersil
(now Harris) IC in them. Conversion times were around 100ms.  

Quick check of my Digikey catalog didn't show the 7116?? (not 100%
sure on that number, hence why I went to check).  It does, oddly
enough show a TelCom Semiconductors Inc device listing a TC7116
3 1/2 digit LD chip for $5.85.  Seem to recall Intersil sold them
for about $20, so if it is pin compatible not a bad deal at all!

Tom Walter
Austin, TX.

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