T-Coupe Intercooler

jengel at FastLane.NET jengel at FastLane.NET
Thu Feb 29 00:15:16 GMT 1996

> From:          Bill Sarkozy <mymove at serv01.net-link.net>
> Subject:       T-Coupe Intercooler

> Could anyone tell me where I can find a Thunderbird Turbo-Coupe Intercooler?
> Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
I have a stock one that I may not need.  It depends whether my car 
will pass a breathalyzer test or not.

For a non-stock 'cooler: I'm very happy with a Spearco unit for the 
SVO Mustang (T'bird engine / Mustang chassis).  They may make a kit 
for the T'bird as well.

Spearco: (818) 901-7851.


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