Microsoft exchange & bloated attachments
Jim Pearl
JVP at
Thu Feb 29 21:22:41 GMT 1996
Gee Doug - I wonder who that person was? (ahem). Yep - I think it's me guys
and I THINK I've got it fixed! Please tell me this is so!
As for OFF by default - I don't think it was. Either that or while fumbling
around trying to set up this client I turned it ON. It's now OFF and I'm
hoping it's all better. I'll tell ya' this I don't much like Exchange and
if this is their response to Notes they're in trouble!
P.S. Thanks to Brad for what I believe is the solution and to Doug for
alerting me OFFLINE and working with me on this. If anyone has any follow
up comments on this "problem" please take them up with me OFF-LINE so as to
keep the "noise" down... TIA!
>From: Doug Rorem[SMTP:rorem at]
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 1996 2:09 PM
To: diy_efi at
Subject: RE: Microsoft exchange & bloated attachments
>>From: Brad Martin[SMTP:btm at]
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 1996 4:16 AM
>>To: diy_efi at
>>Subject: RE: Blow off valve
>It's usually a good idea to uncheck this box for Internet mail addresses
>unless the sender knows that the receiver uses the Exchange client.
I had worked with someone on this problem (we use Sun workstations here
and are thankfully immune from generating this stuff). When they first
off RTF (rich text formatting) they got rid of the MIME encoded attachment
Content-Type: application/ms-tnef
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
but then their mailer started uuencoding the WINMAIL.DAT attachment.
begin 600 WINMAIL.DAT
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I certainly hope Microsoft has this stuff OFF by default. I guess there
should be a FAQ in every list on the net as to how to turn it completely
It creates large attachments which really have no utility on Internet
lists (i.e. who cares if their 3 line message is formatted with fancy
It certainly creates a lot of needless extra overhead when you figure that
stuff is being sent out to every subscriber on the list.
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