Sensor Questions?
FIScot at
FIScot at
Tue Jan 30 01:10:35 GMT 1996
Subj: re: Sensor Questions?
Date: 96-01-29 19:16:59 EST
From: SRavet at
[text deleted]
>| Is this assumption correct, or have I credited the engine computer
>| with too much "intelligence"??
>| John
> John, you are correct, my description above was a little simplistic.
> As long as the ECM is in closed loop, it will adapt (within the block
> learn limits). If you aren't closed loop, though, pre-programmed
> values are used which will result in a lean condition.
> Steve Ravet
In the GM ECM's, whether you are in CL or not, the ECM is running
through the same 'preprogrammed' code. Closed loop adds the ability
for the BLM to learn. If not in closed loop, the BLM is still used,
and if not altered by a complete power off, will still correct the fuel
mixture from what it has learned.
Part of the equation is:
Fuel = Integrator * BLM * (rest of fuel calculation)
In open loop, the integrator is set to neutral. The BLMs are whatever
has been learned, so the fuel correction still goes on. One caveat is
that some ECMs will check (and reset) the BLMs at ignition power on for
a tighter limit than is allowed during normal operation. The same
things happen when in PE, i.e., the integrator goes neutral, and the
BLM is whatever has been learned.
The only thing that closed loop adds is the ability to learn, and
the integrator (with help) keeps the fuel about 14.7 AFR.
Scot Sealander FIScot at
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