MAF output signal

ARTHUR OKUN arthurok at
Thu Jul 4 07:48:19 GMT 1996

You wrote: 
>Hi all,
>I am working on a frequency limiting circuit that will intercept the 
>of my MAF sensor and pass the original freq as long as it falls at or 
>below a set limit.  If it goes above the limit freq, the circuit will 
pass only
>the limit freq. regardless of how high the input freq. goes beyond it.
>What is the typical freq. output range vs. air flow for these sensors. 
>car is a Dodge Steath Turbo and uses a Mitsubishi MAF device.  I 
>had a chance to put it on a scope yet.  Also, does this MAF type put 
>a pulse, sine, square, ? type of wave?
>I am aware that HKS makes such a unit in two forms.  One for voltage 
>output type MAF's and one for freq. output MAF's.  I don't want to use
>just a low pass filter design but rather a frequency peak limit\hold 
>Has anyone else made such a circuit?  I am open to various ideas.
>Thanks in advance,
>Mark Josewski
>Applications Eng.
seems like a good application for a pic 16 ; my gm car has a frequency 
output maf maybe i'll try building a signal translator for it
right now it has a speed density chip in it

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