power supply

Tony Bryant bryantt at psc.fp.co.nz
Tue Jul 16 20:32:27 GMT 1996

>   --L---D-------[7805]----- +5V
>       |   |  |         |  |
>       C   Z  EC        C  Z
>       |   |  |         |  |
>       -   -  -         -  -
> Should this be enough?
Works fine, until you try to start with a partially 
charged battery. If you are drawing any decent current
through it (>500mA), you need an exceptionally large
capacitor (6800uF isn't enough for 600mA).
The 7805 NEEDS to be on a decent heat sink.

I resorted to using a small battery backup in addition, which 
holds the voltage up across spikes, and the gaps in the ignition 

Also your input stage capacitor is going to be sucked dry in a
matter of microseconds, by the starter motor when you turn it
over. Try moving the diode before the cap.

If I do it again, I'll be using a switch mode DC-DC 
convertor chip.
* "Insanity is the only sane response to an insane world" *
*                 >> bryantt at fp.co.nz <<                  *

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