Filtering supply lines
Fri Jul 19 18:41:08 GMT 1996
Just the other week I took a 16 pin surface mount chip and soldered leads onto
it so I could place it into a DIP socket. All I had was a surface mount chip
of the type I needed and the board required a DIP package and I didn't have an
adapter handy. So I'd assume if I could solder wires onto the SO package. I
don't see why you could solder a new one into place. I could be wrong tho.
Oh, it did take a VERY steady hand and intense concentration and time to do
this properly..
dzug @ ("DAVE ZUG")
07-19-96 12:21 PM
To: diy_efi @ @ INTERNET
Subject: Re: Filtering supply lines
well group, sorry for the lengthy mechanical question last time, i'll
stick to topics that pertain to the theme here.
i may have blown the injector drivers on my ECM with shorted
injectors. whats the likelyhood of replacing surface mount chips by
hand or otherwise? (maybe an electronics repair shop can do this, or
is all they do is replace boards anymore) where can I get the 3 channel driver
chips.. the
identification is of coarse not there, its a GMP4 ECM, the latest
version they made, I think its called a 711? those are the last 4
numbers in the product code. is still there,
and has another member now! that makes 2!
heres one thats never asked..
anyone ever take their DIY system and "sell" it to someone else for
adaptation/installation in their car? sometime in the next year i can
see me getting into this amount of detail in the (hobby?), not
nessecarily wanting to start with chips and a soldering iron.
amaterurs! you're probably saying, well, this is how i learn :)
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