L-Jetronic EFI for Mazda Rotary Engine

Rob Skala rskalard at ALPHA2.CURTIN.EDU.AU
Mon Jun 3 02:50:59 GMT 1996

Hi All,

It's time for me to ask for some advice and help. I recently obatined a 
replacement EFI controller for my 12A turbo rotary. I think its an 
L-Jetronic system from what I can work out. Anyway I need some help to 
identify some of the connections, I've managed to work most of them out 
using a copy of the wiring diagram from a Japanese workshop manual, but 
several of them still elude me...... I've included a list of the pins on 
the two connectors below. Hopefully someone out there may be able to help 
me out !!!!

PIN ID:		Connection		PIN ID: 	Connection
 +B	    Power thru ign switch	 IGN	    ? (possibly coil ??)
 E2	    Earth connection		 E1	    Earth Connection
 Vc	    Airflow sensor		 Vs	    Airflow sensor
 Vb	    Airflow sensor		 Ox	    Oxygen sensor
 STA	    Starter switch		 Rv	    TPS
 Tau	    ???????			#10         Injector #1
 Tl	    TPS				#20	    Injector #2
 THA	    Air temp sensor		E01	    Ground Connection
 THW	    Coolant Temp sensor		E02	    Ground Connection
 +BF	    +12V for injectors

Second Connector:

TH 	???????
IDL	???????
VF	???????		I think these connections are something to do
PW	???????		with the emmission control system
T	???????
LLD	???????
FC1	???????
FC2	???????

As you can see I've got most of them, it just the Tau and IGN pins. 
Anyone have any ideas ????

Thanks for all your help in advance......



Robert D Skala
Materials Research Group
School of Physical Science
Curtin University of Technology
GPO Box U1987
Perth	6001
Telephone: +61 9 351 2331
Fax:	   +61 9 351 2377
email: skala_rd at cc.curtin.edu.au

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