L-jet on an MGB

WERNER_HAUSSMANN at HP-Loveland-om2.om.hp.com WERNER_HAUSSMANN at HP-Loveland-om2.om.hp.com
Tue Mar 5 00:13:54 GMT 1996

Item Subject: 1.txt "unix headers"
Could not convert BINARY FILE item to text.
Will attempt to 'shar' item as file '01v3m87' at end of msg.


Item Subject: L-jet on an MGB
Hi Andy

When I started, I knew nothing.  Now that I have done one, it seems very 
easy. What kind of car do you have.  If you have a Renault engine, it 
should be a piece of cake.

The MGB had special problems.  It has a siamese intake port (Two intake 
valves with one intake hole on the head).  Worse, the intake stroke for 
this siamese port is not symetrical.  I had intentions of having port 
injection, but because of the siamese ports with non-symetrical intake 
stroke I decided to go the trottle body injection route.  This is 
undesirable, and not necessary if you have individual ports per cylinder.

The system I used was from a '83 Fuego. I used everything.  The 
complication came two ways.  

1. I had to match a trottlle body injector to the system. I used a Ford 
trottle body with a single Bosch injector.

2. The other trick was the mixture.  I wanted to run at a richer mixture 
than the 'ideal'.  Mostly because the manifold was not designed for a lean 

To mount the injectors, I suggest you try to get a FI manifold from a car 
with the same engine but at a later time.  Lotus did a lot with Renault 
engines didn't they?  If you have a modified Renault engine (Lotus Europa), 
check out the Jeff Hartman book 'Fuel Injection; Installation, Performance 
Tuning, Modification.

Anyway mountings are available for injectors, that book gives some 


______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________
Subject: Re: L-jet on an MGB
Author:  Non-HP-ajh (ajh at diamond.idbsu.edu) at HP-ColSprings,shargw2
Date:    3/4/96 4:18 PM


I'm thinking also of putting FI onto my 70's British car (Lotus).
What did you think overall of your project?  How did you deal with the 
intake manifold, esp. with installation of the injectors?  Does the 
range of air and fuel flow rates seem reasonable?  Did you acquire 
your L-jet new or salvaged?


# This is a shell archive.  Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by HP OpenMail user <openmail at csitcom2> on Mon Mar  4 17:13:13 1996
# This archive contains:
#	01v3m87	
# Error checking via wc(1) will be performed.

LANG=""; export LANG
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH; export PATH

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	cat >unpack$$.c <<'EOF'
#include <stdio.h>
#define C (*p++ - ' ' & 077)
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	char buf[128], *p, a,b;

	scanf("begin %o ", &n);

	if (freopen(buf, "w", stdout) == NULL) {

	while (gets(p=buf) && (n=C)) {
		while (n>0) {
			a = C;
			if (n-- > 0) putchar(a << 2 | (b=C) >> 4);
			if (n-- > 0) putchar(b << 4 | (a=C) >> 2);
			if (n-- > 0) putchar(a << 6 | C);
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chmod 660 01v3m87

rm -f /tmp/unpack$$
exit 0

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