M68000 family processors

TAR tratke at gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
Wed Mar 13 06:03:26 GMT 1996

Hello fellow tinkerers:

  I am a recent graduate of Mechanical engineering from the University of
Alberta, up here in Canada.  I was hoping to glean some information
regarding m68k processors as EFI controllers.  Specifically, I am looking
for information on sensor interface with the chip.  I am not familiar with
specific sensor outputs ie) does an O2 sensor change a resistance value
with changing AFR? or does it produce it's own voltage output? Is the
output a linear relationship? How about knock sensors?, MAF sensors? etc. 
   I understand Motorolla makes a chip, the M68332 which is specifically
configred for EFI uses. Is this true?  I am proficient at M68k family
assembly language, but I am not familiar with PAL's, PIA's PIC's and the
like. Perhaps someone could point me in the right direction; FTP sites,
books, web sites, personal experience etc.  Any info you could give me
would be greatly appreciated. 

  I request this info so I may make an EFI system for my project car, a 
1972 Toyota Celica.  I have already designed IRS and fully adjustable 
suspension front and back. Future plans include Buick 231 V6, 5 speed 
stick, distributorless ignition with rev limiter and traction control, 
and of course EFI!

Thanks a million gang.


Todd Ratke
  E-mail: tratke at gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
      or: ratke at nyquist.ee.ualberta.ca

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