Multi Spark Ignition...

Jim Staff staffj at
Tue Mar 26 22:42:12 GMT 1996

  Has anyone here ever played with multi spark ignition? Where instead of firing
once the plugs fire 5 to 20 times very quickly. I saw one of them a few days ago
on an S10 chevy, it picked up it's power 40% according to the engine dyno!!!! I 
was thinking about making a DIY version, having flutter on 500ns intervals. I 
know that it will burn out the ignition coils I have (junk ford coils), I think 
that would be a cool ignition inprovement for my Briggs, also I was wondering 
for all you people out there that know what you're doing. Is a 6amp @ 100V 
transistor enough to switch the power conections to an injector and a standard 
ignition coil?

                     Jim Staff

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