Multispark stuff and other thoughts

Kenneth C. King kking at
Fri Mar 29 15:37:16 GMT 1996

  i decided not to quote the extra-long posts on coil-on-plug setup...
  can't you have your cake and eat it too?  put the coil on each plug, but
wire them in opposing pairs?  you get back to the wasted spark and half as
many firing events per revolution.
  would the plug on the exhaust stroke provide sufficient resistance on the
secondary side to shunt the bulk of the primary current into the cyl that's
on the combustion stroke?  (obviously they need to be wired in paralell,
not in series! :)  or would too much of the curent be drained by the coil
on the exhaust stroke?  

kc       (a frustrated ee traped for a decade in the software world! ):
"ooooh, crumbs!"if the world is nite, shine my life like a lite"live your life
with PASSION"hey waiter, there's a transvestite in my soup"hey mister, are you
tall?"all alone in the nite"son of a son of a sailor"John DeArmond fanclub #13
"he's dead, jim"he's not dead, he's electroencephalographically challenged" kc

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