DIY_EFI Digest V1 #150

talltom talltom at
Sat May 25 10:38:00 GMT 1996

DIY_EFI-Digest-Owner at wrote:
> DIY_EFI Digest             Saturday, 25 May 1996       Volume 01 : Number 150
> In this issue:
>         normaly asperated efi to turbo efi (plan)
> See the end of the digest for information on subscribing to the
> DIY_EFI or DIY_EFI-Digest mailing lists.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: "George M. Dailey" <gmd at>
> Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 23:25:38 -0500
> Subject: normaly asperated efi to turbo efi (plan)
> At 10:37 PM 5/20/96 -0400, Lance wrote:
> >Are we talking the 3800 or the 3.8L?
> - --------------------------------------------
> The true 3.8l man. What's the difference?
> - ----------------------------------------------
> >Why not just use an entire engine assy. from a GN or T-Type Regal? The block
> >and crank are stronger and the assembly is not too expensive. Not to mention
> >the fact that aftermarket parts for the turbo V-6 are plentiful, inexpensive
> >and work well.
> >
> >Just my .02...
> - -------------------------------------------------------------------
> I do appreaciate your O2. I can't use the GN or T-Type Regal block because
> I'm running a 125 transaxle. It's a mid engine rear wheel driven custom. If
> any one has some info (dirt) on this transaxle, I'd love to hear it. What's
> the max torque it will take.
> Let me point out that I don't expect to get the HP of the GN. What I want is
> somthing below 15psi of intercooled boost. I think the '85 3.8L engine has
> 9:1 comp, which would certianly limit the PRATICAL maximum boost. I plan to
> drive this...frequently.
> - ------------------------------------------------
> Scot Sealander wrote:
> <...  There are differences between the 3.8L in GM's mid size sedans and the
> GN.  The <turbo motor is a stronger engine from the factory.
> - --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Besides engine strength, what else is different?  In your (or any one
> elses)opinion, what would be a reasonable HP/torque limit that the 3.8L
> engine in GM's mid size sedans could handle?
> - ------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks Scott
> ____________________________________________________________________
> Talltom Wrote:
> <It would seem to me that one of the questions that should be asked is will it
> <live if I do? From what I understand about 3.8l (former GM line mechanic that
> <has rebuilt plenty of them) it took the factory to shake the bugs out of them,
> <and barely held up by themselves, much less turbocharged. I'd consider a
> <bicycle first.
> Talltom, I always enjoy your colorfull responses. Can you give some insights
> on what seemed to typically kill these engines? I'm curious about the
> 'factory removed' bugs also. I gather that you think the 3.8L is better
> suited as a boat anchor :) ... I'd argue with you if you weren't a GM line
> mechanic, so tally-ho.
> Thanks for the input man.
> - -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> George M. Dailey
> ------------------------------

Well I believe that the 3800 and the 3.8l are two different things. It's kind of
like 3.8lbs=3.8lbs, but if one is cheese and the other is cottage cheese they 
aren't the same. Rumor has it the the first 3800's were crackers.(As in the block
liked to crack, in two if you're good.) The 3.8's have been in production in some 
variation since the 60's. While some of the 60's stuff worked, in the late 70's
they were having trouble with odd and even fire cranks, rods cut wrong, head gaskets
siphoning the radiator dry and leaking out the exhaust, oil pumps starving, 
distributors self desrtucting due to acceleration pounding, timing chain tensioners,
and many had tune up problems that made them gas hogs. Eventually(80-82) they 
managed to get this garbage cleaned up to where they lived, got decent mileage,
and steadily performed like a sick poopy. In the mid 80's they got the bugs out
mostly(note- turbo block and na block are not the same, special racing blocks
are used for indy and special apps) I personally almost bought a Buick GNX, but
they were only offered in black-no dice. If for some reason I had to have a v6
I'd find as late of a turbov6 regal to get it from as I could. Many aftermarket
parts are available for the turbo v6 and they work.

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