Air Temperature Effect

jon hanson redelec at
Mon Nov 11 07:43:34 GMT 1996

At 15:06 11/11/96 +1100, you wrote:
>Hi ALl
>anyone got any stats on the effect of air temperature of charge in FI
>normally aspirated engines.

        this info is straight from Jeff Hartman's book
        "Fuel Injection installation, performance tuning, modifications"
        Page 64 chapter 7 for those who have the book.
        "each 11 degrees Farenheit increase reduces air density 1 percent"

        I'm new to the list but have learnt plenty just by reading
        Thanks to the person who recomended adding more advance to cure a
cold running
        problem around 2000rpm worked like a charm for me too. I'd forgotten
about this sneaky
        little table that lets you add ignition advance/ retard based on eng
temp and was heading
        off in the wrong direction trying to cure it with more fuel.

Jon Hanson
South Africa.

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