A thought...

Mark Pitts saxon at zymurgy.org
Thu Oct 3 11:09:37 GMT 1996

I Still don't like coding in low level for the PC, I still don't like C, =
and I still hate ISA cards, and the concept of an automotive PC PSU. =
I'll go back tomy 68xxx series, but I can see that the PC is now a valid =
platform for this kinda stuff.

Mark (who might build test systems on ISA prototyping boards, before =
moving to a custom system)
From:  Mark Pitts[SMTP:saxon at zymurgy.org]
Sent:  Thursday, October 03, 1996 10:43 AM
To:  'Robert Harris'; diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject:  RE: A thought...

I Like it... hadnt thought of it for years, but PC hardware has come a =
long way since I wrote it off years ago. For that matter so has my =
coding ability, Time for a rethink.

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