A thought...

Thor Johnson johnsont at falcon.mercer.edu
Thu Oct 3 18:20:13 GMT 1996

On Wed, 2 Oct 1996, Arnaldo Echevarria wrote:

> >Now as to power, a PC mother board requires 12vdc, 5vdc and -12vdc 
> >at very low current.  Any half competent component type can put a
> >DC to DC power supply meeting these requirements and probably fit
> >it into the space of a couple packs of smokes.  
> I am attempting to do something like this.  Unfortunately, my Forte
> is software, not hardware, so I'm not 'half competent'.  Could you
> give me an idea on how to build such a power supply? 

  Check out Analog Devices.  IF these are low power, AD has some prebuilt 
5V-|>+/-12 converters (usually used for powing opamps and such from a 
single +5 supply).

                Thor Johnson
       johnsont at falcon.mercer.peachnet.edu
         Have you seen the WarpMap lately?                    

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