FW: DIY ABS (was: A thought...)

Mark Pitts saxon at zymurgy.org
Fri Oct 4 09:53:02 GMT 1996

Hi guys. I thought about this, but having been brought up on never mind =
what it sounds like and how it goes, just make shure it goes round =
corners and stops, I couldnt agree more. I got thinking about modifying =
Citroen Hydraulic suspension to be active,(which they have now done for =
production (wouldnt mind just stealing all their good work and using =

My humble advice is go to an open day at a race track and play silly =
buggers untill you get enough mental control to let up on the brakes =
manually. I'm not to good at this myself yet, but the concept of =
something bad happening in chassis arena scares me bad. ((one sheered =
half shaft, one sheered front stub axle, and sheered front upright have =
to be similar to suspension failures/blow outs, and that sinking feeling =
of having boiled the brakes, and being in need of choosing a hedge =
quick....oh... and a front anti roll bar that snapped its U bolt =
mounting mid corner ..car chose the hedge that time ;-) )

That said steeling a system from a production car seems like a safe =
enough bet ;-)

(who has seen far to many fly by wire accidents on TV, and suffered to =
many mechanical failures to think about adding solder into the equation)


Even with tightly controlled test facilities, experimental ABS is =
treated with=20
utmost care and respect.  IMHO, brake failure is far more dangerous than =

engine failure (although a grenaded engine can spit you into the woods, =

The bottom line: I highly recommend against DIY ABS.  Without access to =
test facilities and, more importantly, many highly experienced ABS =
DIY ABS is a disaster waiting to happen (and it probably wouldn't wait =
Chuck Tomlinson

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