Using pc parts

Daniel Ridge newt at
Thu Oct 10 16:04:41 GMT 1996

>      Actually, W95 or Windows 3.1 is your cheapest method of graphics for a 
>      PC. 

Actually, Linux is just about the cheapest way. Good tools, too. You could
program SVGA directly via a lib or use the tk entensions to many scripting
languages and run an X server in your car. If X is good enough for the
Boeing 777, it's good enough for my car! :)

>      Yes, you also need a laptop style HD shock mounted to run it. 

In the linux groups there is currently a series of discussions about
making linux ROMable.

>      car. At one time I was looking at using a PC for the dashboard and 
>      distributed processing using Arcnet for communications link in my 68 
>      Firebird. I don't understand EFI and engines well enough to do it so 
>      it got dropped. This list has been very educational!!!!  

So here's a thing. I remember one of those irritating Infiniti commericals
about a year ago when the the Infiniti poster boy was talking about an
in-car lan. I know nothing about it. Does anyone? Is there something we
can salvage from it? What was on it? Are the transcievers cheap?


   Daniel Ridge                      |   USRA  CESDIS
   Research Minion, Beowulf Project  |   Code 930.5
   email: newt at  |   Nimbus Rd., Bldg. 28, Rm. W274
   tel:   301-286-3062               |   Goddard Space Flight Center
   fax:   301-286-1777               |   Greenbelt, MD.  20771

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