Using pc parts

Dan J. Declerck declrckd at
Thu Oct 10 18:03:44 GMT 1996

> So here's a thing. I remember one of those irritating Infiniti commericals
> about a year ago when the the Infiniti poster boy was talking about an
> in-car lan. I know nothing about it. Does anyone? Is there something we
> can salvage from it? What was on it? Are the transcievers cheap?
> Thanks,	
> 	Dan

There's a number of people whom make these car Lan transceivers.
The CAN bus is primarily used by BMW, I think they get their parts from Seimens
but I am not sure.

I (squared)C is another bus type. I am not sure who uses this.

The point is: there is NO standard for automotive communication busses.

If automakers could get together and create a standard bus, the price of the
parts would come down due to economy of scale.

SAE ought to start a standards process to get the ball rolling.

In telecom we do this all the time.


=> Dan DeClerck                        | EMAIL: declrckd at      <=
=> Motorola Cellular CSD               |                                  <=
=>"The truth to CDMA... is spreading"  | Phone: (847) 632-4596            <=

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