Forwarded: Re: L-Jet
RABBITT_Andrew at
RABBITT_Andrew at
Tue Oct 15 05:17:45 GMT 1996
Honda would be using some form of HEGO, and I'd not be surprised if
they're doing some DSP to determine cylinder to cylinder A/F ratio
variations also.
re: Hot Film meters, BMW have the Bosch Hot Film MAF across (most) of
their range here in Oz, and I assume everywhere else too. Many other
European manufacturers are using this meter too, and on recently
introduced models. I don't think it's losing much ground to any
hotwire MAF
From: (Frank Mallory) frankm at
Date: ## 10/14/96 08:36 ##
RABBITT_Andrew at wrote:
> >hot-wire is the most accurate but also the most expensive (read
> >hi-tech), reverse for manifold pressure (MAP))
> I disagree, Honda is using MAP for their ULEV Accord, and saying
> things like 'accurate A/F ratio control' in the same breath.
I hear that Mercedes is abandoning hot film due to reliability problems,
and going back to hot wire.
Does Honda use an oxygen sensor with the ULEV?
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