How to unsubscribe?

Doug Rorem rorem at
Wed Oct 30 21:34:33 GMT 1996


The problem is you subscribed using:

frank.mallory at   [output from 'WHO DIY_EFI' sent to majordomo]

Apparently your login name went from all lower case to mixed case.
Since Majordomo is picky about entire email addresses matching...
you either have to send the unsubscribe message from that user name
or else have the list maintainer remove you.

Doug Rorem
University of Illinois at Chicago         (312)-996-5439  [voice]
EECS Department  RM 1120                  (312)-413-1065  [fax]
851 S. Morgan Street                      (708)-996-2226  [pager]
Chicago, IL 60607-7053                    rorem at

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