Water Injection for power?

Thor Johnson johnsont at falcon.mercer.peachnet.edu
Sun Sep 8 23:33:32 GMT 1996

I just looked at the current issue of "Midnight Engineering," and saw an 
article that may be of interest.  The author suggested that, instead of 
the usual fan/radiator/et al, the cylinders be cooled by injecting water 
(diesel style) during the latter part of the power stroke.  The H2O would 
flash into steam, thereby changing the heat (normally exhasted) into 
mechanical power.

  I, for one, would like to try this.  How hard would it be to make an 
additional hole in the head for this purpose (I have little/no mechanical 
background), and would it have adverse effects on a HC engine (Honda F2)?


                Thor Johnson
       johnsont at falcon.mercer.peachnet.edu
         Have you seen the WarpMap lately?                    

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