Ancient History

Tue Sep 10 08:23:20 GMT 1996

> >Of course the ONLY rpm where torque, horsepower and VE could all peak at
> >the same time is at 5252 rpm.
> I don't see how you arrive at this conclusion.  If you substitute 5252 for
> RPM in the above equation, all you get is the fact that HP must = Torque at
> this particular RPM.  This does not mean that they are all maximums at this
> RPM, only that they must be equal.  This should mean that regardless of the
> engine, the horsepower and torque curves should cross each other at 5250
> RPM.  I dug out some old HP Books editions like "How to Hotrod Smallblock
> Chevys" and perused some of the comparative "before + after" Dyno curves.  A
> few of them had torque and HP curves equal at 5250 RPM, but most didn't.
> Obviously, there are other factors at work here.
I believe the point that is trying to be made is that if HP = Torque 
only at 5252 (which is agreed).  Then this is the only place where 
they CAN both be a maximum.  Not that they are a maximum.  But that 
this is the only point where they can both be a maximum at the same 


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