more water injection

Michael T. Kasimirsky mtk at
Tue Sep 10 14:35:20 GMT 1996

On Tue, 10 Sep 1996, Dirk Wright wrote:

> OK, here's a really dumb (but interesting to me) question: If water 
> injection is so great, why is water in the gas considered so bad? Why 
> bother with products like "dry gas" if water in the cylinders is a good 
> thing? Why do most engines run so bad (I think) when there's water mixed 
> in with the gas in the tank? 
> I can understand the freezing bit in winter, which could be cured with 
> added alcohol of glycol, but if water injection is so good, it seems that 
> you could save yourself a bunch of hassle by just adding water to the gas 
> in the gas tank. Is it possible that you only want water injection under 
> certain circumstances, like WOT? If so, then I could understand the need 
> for dry gas and a separate water injection system. Otherwise, what's the 
> deal?

Gasoline is lighter than water, and hence "floats" on top of it.  You 
fuel tank pick-up is located in the bottom of the tank.  You add water to 
the tank and all you'll be injecting into the engine is water.  

Michael T. Kasimirsky       ---->              mtk at
Days:    Staff Engineer                     or mk4u at
         ASTM Test Monitoring Center		Phi Gamma Delta,
Nights:  1992 Suzuki GSX-R750 Pilot		NRA Life Member, AMA Member
         1991 Suzuki GSF400 Bandit Mechanic	DoD #1848

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