Kinsler fuel injection catalog??
Ennis Bragg
gt9803a at
Tue Sep 17 15:40:35 GMT 1996
> I saw a tiny advert in a magazine for Kinsler fuel injection in Troy,
> Michigan (usa), and apparently they have a catalog with about 100 pages
> of cool stuff in it.
> Has anyone got this catalog, & if so how can the rest of us get one?
Here's some info out of an ad in SCCA's Sportscar magazine.(Sept.96,pg43)
Kinsler Fuel Injection
1834-K Thunderbird
Troy, MI 48084
Phone: 810-362-1145
Fax: 810-362-1032
Send check or money order. no COD or credit cards are accepted for catalog
Catalog Price: $12.00 (US)
"Our 92 page handbook/catalog is the bible on RACING FUEL INJECTION."
This is all straight from their add.
hope it helps
Ennis Bragg
gt9803a at
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