H8 microconfuser stuff

Tom Cloud cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu
Wed Apr 2 15:02:46 GMT 1997

I have the following items that I doubt I'll ever use.  Anyone
interested?  Make me an offer?

Pentica Systems Mime-700 chassis
  "        Mime 700 Analyser Card
  "        Mime 700 Personality card mod H8/500
  "        Mime 700 Control card (parallel interface)
  "     model M700-H8534-C emulator attachment
  "     model M700 trace pod
[see http://www.pentica.co.uk/mime700.htm]

Logical Devices Inc, (LDI) Husky EE/EPROM/PAL/GANG/SET Programmer
  (with 4 32 pin ZIF sockets)  (it has a DB-37 connector ..
   don't know what it connects to)

Hitachi H8/500 Relocatable assembler/linker/librarain v 1.2
   "    H8/500 ANSI C cross compiler  v 1.2

Also have a number of proprietary H8 boards, some with H8
chips.  Don't know anything about them. 'Major' parts:

Tom Cloud <cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu>

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