peter paul fenske
pfenske at
Thu Apr 17 15:22:01 GMT 1997
Hi Vance
Could be anything. I think you could check trouble codes first.
If no codes then a few guesses.
Disconnect knock sensor. If idle is okay knock sensor might
be responsing to engine noise ect.
Check vacum leaks,causes lean running, should set O2.
Check O2, they get old after 100K miles.
Check for worn trottle bodie shafts.
In short could be lean mix or bad ignition components.
At 08:04 PM 4/16/97 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi All
> Nieghbor came over and wanted help on his 82 Camaro. Local shop told
>him that he need a esc module because timing didn't advance. Module is well
>over $100 at GM, only source. Check timing and found it advances with or
>without module attached. Main symtom appears to be idle varies widely. I
>suspected module is for retarding if pinging is sensed. Can anyone help ?
>The 82 has cross fire injection, all simple tune up items have been done.
>Car does pass smog test for calif.
>Thanks Vance
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