FW: Electromotive FI

Robert Gallant gallant at oasys.dt.navy.mil
Fri Apr 18 12:34:27 GMT 1997

> >I'm curious - in which applications have you found the TEC-II system to   
> >be inadequate, and why?
> Ok, off the top of my head:
> Virtually every setup I've worked on (mostly 4cyl and rotary)
> had idle problems due to the O2 feedback system.
> The acceleration enrichments don't work too well as there is no correction
> for rpm. The bigger the T-body the bigger the problem.
> A high boost turbo rotary is next to impossible to make streetable without
> hickups becouse injectors can't be properly staged.
> Not enough density in the maps for a high strung 4cyl with dips and 
> valleys in it's VE.

I've found almost the exact limitations with the Holley digital projection on my
supercharged Rx7 (and it sounds like the Projection mapping is much more complex
than the Electromotive).

It will not idle in closed loop, the acceleration compensation is no way near 
sufficient, and when running a 12 psi pulley on the blower I have to choose 
between enough fuel at the top end and too much fuel at idle, or a good idle and
not enough fuel at the top end.

I'm in the process of adapting the stock injection system to the supercharger 
and adding a boost sensing fuel pressure regulator (Cartech).

BTW:  anyone know of a good fuel pump.  I've been told that the Bosch pump from 
any of the injected (1975+) Datsun/Nissan Z or ZX cars has a high flow rate, 
dead head pressure of 125psi and is very reliable.  Anyone know the Bosch part 
number or have any other suggestions?


gallant at oasys.dt.navy.mil

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