Radar Scrambling

John Hess JohnH at ixc-comm.net
Fri Apr 25 18:52:13 GMT 1997

Actually, it doesn't "go crazy".  It just becomes desensitized and 
displays the speed much later (car is closer to source) than normal. 
 This gives one time to decelerate (at a reasonable rate, of course). 
 If one is going TOO far over the limit, one is nabbed;  but, at a 
lower rate than that one was really going.

From:  cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu[SMTP:cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu]
Sent:  Wednesday, April 23, 1997 4:56 PM
To:  diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject:  Re: Radar Scrambling

>Rather than jamming lidar, which the cop would notice
>when his display either went crazy or read zero as you blew
> past him, it'd be smarter to xmit back a signal that was a
>percentage of your true speed. You're going 80 so set the
>knob on your ECM box to 80% and the cop reads 65.
>Snake (Mr. Electronic Counter-Measures)
>TWO pretty cool Fords, one very cool Dodge

yep, and I shoulda always dated rich, beautiful girls ...
so, how to do it (either, that is  ;-)

Tom Cloud <cloud at peaches.ph.utexas.edu>

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