68HC11F1 questions

Chad Clendening clendenc at odo.msoe.edu
Sat Apr 26 08:47:54 GMT 1997

On the subject of the inexpensive MAP sensors, take a look at the
Motorola Sensor book.  You can get it sent to you for free by filling
out the literature request form at
http://design-net.com/home/lit_ord.html .  The sensor data book numberis
They offer free ($5.00 shipping) eval kits on a few pressure sensors.
They have one 30 PSI differential listed, 2 15

The MPX5xxx series is signal conditioned and ready to connect directly
to the onboard a/d converter of the 6811.

PSI differential, a 15 psi absolute ($25 fee.)  The form is near the
back of the book.
Allied electronics stocks several of the sensors most for $15 ti $25.

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