That gol durned fuel injection
Frederic Breitwieser
frederic.breitwieser at
Wed Apr 30 03:39:53 GMT 1997
I think you made a lot of good points here... the issue about FI being
"untunable" is the idea that most factory ECMs are generally coded to
operate under a predefined circumstance, with tolerence for minor changes.
Headers without a doubt add performance, however not enough that most
factory ECMs can handle the reduction in back pressure. I've heard people
comment that after a while the ECM overcompensates and slightly negates the
Where factory FI loses its advantage is when you decide to put in a
"thumper" cam, or make radical performance modifications to your engine.
Then, the engine is no longer a "constant" and the internal ROM mappings
will not apply any longer.
Of course, the solution is either to go back to carbs, but that's silly I
think. Holley Projection is reasonable in cost, and of course, there is
Accell, Haltach, and Electromotive aftermarket EFI systems, which allow one
to attach a PC and make minor changes to the map table.
-----Original Message-----
From: Aron Travis [SMTP:atravis at]
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 1997 11:43 PM
To: diy_efi at
Cc: Homebrew-Autos at
Subject: That gol durned fuel injection
This article goes on to say nothing beats a V-8, no torque in a four
banger, etc. I guess they don't realize things like power to weight
ratios, or why some punk on a two stroke dirt bike can whip most cars
on the road, V-8 or not.
P.S. Not that I'm anti carb, just pro FI!
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