Inexpensive EPROM programmer
Tom Cloud
cloud at
Wed Apr 30 22:01:40 GMT 1997
>> I'm looking for an EPROM programmer that can program 27c256 EPROMs, and
>>connects to a computer via a serial port. I can't use it if it requires an
>>internal card or parallel port. Does anyone know of an inexpensive
>>that meets these two requirements?
>I use one made by GTEK (not the accelerometer being discussed).
>Runs off RS-232, has built in ASCII functions so it can
>be used with a terminal only. Can download and program
>lotsa devices. Don't have it here -- one of our faculty
>has taken it. I may never see it again 8^). Seems it
>costs about $400 or so.
I found it .... I have an older "model 9000" programmer
======== excerpted from their web page ============
The Model 9000A programs EPROMS up to 8 Megabits in size,
EEPROMS, Serial EEPROMS, Bi-CMOS Prom Replacements and microprocessor
units including the MCS-48 and MCS-51 families.
Connects to the serial port with baud rates up to 115,200 Kbps
using hardware or software handshaking. Software is included for
PC and compatible computers.
Data formats supported by the Model 9000A include:
Has its own SPLIT facility for multi EPROM data paths for 16 bit
and larger processors. Modes supported include a COMPARE mode to
allow you to compare a file with a programmer part. Checksums may
be generated and automatically inserted into the device or just
calculated and read. Verify commands for both data and empty
conditions are resident. Intelligent diagnostics allow you to
quickly determine any problem you may have with a device. A resident
menu is used to select the device type and this automatically
configures the algorithm. Uses manufacturer approved Quick and
Intelligent programming algorithms to allow the highest possible
programming speed.
Does not require personality modules.
Major Features:
Fastest Programmer on the market today
Quick and Intelligent Programming Algorithms
Supports 1 Kbit through 4 Megabit EPROMS
Supports the largest variety of chips including:
PROM replacements
==== end excerpt ==========
according to their web page, it's $599 retail.
Tom Cloud <cloud at>
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