2 stroke Water injection
Frederic Breitwieser
frederic.breitwieser at mcione.com
Wed Apr 30 22:58:31 GMT 1997
The problem with washer pumps, unless they are mounted at the same height
as the injectors, their output is increadibly low. Can't refute or confirm
the 5psi figure you quoted, however from the time it takes me to push the
washer button, to the time the clear poison sprays on the windshield, is
about 4-5 seconds. That wouldn't work in a water injection application.
One possibility to consider, is to utilize a water-based fire extinguisher,
take off the head and valve, and create your own end cap with an attachment
fitting. This allows you to locate the fire extinguisher anywhere, and you
can pressurize it up to 200psi. Then, you use a 12V fast acting valve to
control the release of water in small increments into your post-turbo
stream. Since the turbo is adding 5-10 lbs of boost, as long as you have
about 20psi in the tank, mathematically you should be okay.
Just another possibility to think about. Of course, this means you
regularly have to attach your tank to a compressor to add the pressure.
You can use a regular tire-inflator that goes that high, or possibly a
pump for an high-quality air-horn, such as on diesel rigs (see your local
truck boneyard <G>).
I believe you could more accurately meter the water spray by using a
solenoid rather than a washer pump.
Just an idea.
Frederic Breitwieser
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Fahrion [SMTP:mfahrion at bb-elec.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 1997 3:28 PM
To: diy_efi at coulomb.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: 2 stroke Water injection
OK - here's a little different twist on the topic of water injection.
I'm in the early phases (meaning more thinking than doing for another
month or so) of a water injection project for 2 stroke motorcycles.
Here, water is injected into the expansion chamber to use temp to
tune frequency response over a much wider range. The resulting
gain in midrange power is dramatic, 30% is very realistic (measured
30% gain on a 500cc 4cyl at 7700 rpm).
One big issue is how to inject a mist of water (vaporize quickly) as
opposed to a stream, which had about a 300 ms lag before bringing
peak power. How to do this at very low cost? Ideal would be a fuel
injector and electric (fuel?) pump. Must be very small and low
power (not sure how low yet). My gut feel is 20-30 psi would be
fine. The "reference standard" I'm comparing cost and size against
is a windshield washer pump through a carb jet. This gives a low
power, small, cheap 5 psi pump.
Could a FI withstand 400+ degrees C?
Any thoughts appreciated
mfahrion at bb-elec.com
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