TPI Questions

William A Williams bwmsbldr at
Tue Aug 12 19:36:11 GMT 1997

	The function of EGR is to dilute the mixture with an inert
component with the intention of keeping the peak combustion temperature
below 3400 degrees F by displacing some of the O2. Above this temperature
the formation of nitrous oxides is greatly accelerated. Any inert gas
will do. You could bleed in Argon or CO2 or N2 and accomplish the same
objective. Or you could inject H2O as a liquid and get both the
displacement as well as the cooling effect of evaporating the liquid to a
vapor. As far as power is concerned it is very doubtful that EGR will
provide more power. The effects that it has can be better achieved in
other ways. 
             Bill in Boulder     ----  "Engineering as an Art Form" ----

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