Electronic (uC ccontrolled) ignition

Shane Eric Taylour taylour at minyos.its.rmit.EDU.AU
Mon Aug 25 02:50:21 GMT 1997


Does anyone know how the ignition timing is done on distributorless
ignition systems when cranking the engine? How is the ignition timed when
the crank is not turning over at constant revs? 

It may take several attempts at cranking the engine before the ignition
fires. How then, do any reference marks on the crankshaft/flywheel apply
when starting?

Any thoughts on the subject appreciated.

Best Regards,

(taylour at minyos.its.rmit.edu.au)

Shane Eric Taylour, Stud.I.E.Aust (taylour at minyos.its.rmit.edu.au)
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology  (Melbourne, Australia)

'77 Leyland Mini Clubman - "Max"
'78 Leyland Mini Clubman 'S' - un-named and in hibernation

"He who is afraid to ask is ashamed of learning."  - Danish Proverb

"Two roads diverged in a broken wood. I took the one less traveled by."
                                                   - Robert Frost

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