EFI & furthermore

Robert Harris bob at bobthecomputerguy.com
Mon Aug 25 14:10:40 GMT 1997

Exact Meaning = Propane (C3H8) is example
Fairly Exact = LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas - contains 50 to 90 % propane, but
                      still well defined random blend of certain gas's) - often
                      with propane
Faily Exact=Intercooler (properly an air charge cooling device between stages),
                  now in general usage includes aftercoolers(devices that do
air charge
                  cooler after the last external stage of cooling)

"When some one gets something for nothing -
             some one else gets nothing for something "

If the first ingredient ain't Habanero, then the rest don't matter.
Robert Harris <bob at bobthecomputerguy.com>
> Oh, not to beat it to death, and to be perfectly clear, you state "Words
> have
> > meanings, - chemical, physical, electrical etc terms have fairly
> > exact meanings." 
> I already know that words have meanings, since I use them on a more or
> less non-arbitrary basis, but what does "fairly exact" mean? I
> understand that the english language also has context, and "fairly" is a
> contradiction in context with "exact". Not to be so bold as to
> contradict you outright, but I understand, and believe to be true, that
> mathematics was "invented" as the "language" of science, due to its
> exacting precision and unabiguity in fairly describing the various
> scientific doctrines.

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