Ethanol & your internet publication

Terry Martin terry_martin at
Thu Aug 28 04:26:40 GMT 1997

Mike Fumento wrote:

> In other words, they already do what ethanol is supposed to do. 

And what is ethanol supposed to do? More specifically, what is the
chemical annotation of gasahol? 

> The key is
> making sure that cars that have broken sensors are detected and replaced,
> not doing the essential equivalent of giving snake antidote to everyone
> every day because somebody on that day might be bitten by a snake.

I presume you exclude normal innoculation injections from your analogy?
Why do vehicles need (exhaust) oxygen sensors in the first place? 

>  And
> with the air over North American cities getting cleaner by the year,

It's wonderful to live in North America ain't it? All that smog and
pollution going everywhere else and all. BTW, I live in the Fraser
Valley area of British Columbia. That's in Canada, the US' biggest
trading partner. What I breath is smog from the WA Cherry Point
refinery, along with that produced by US built or designed vehicles
running in Canada. I have six kids, all of whom have respiratory related
problems. Where else do you export pollution producing technology on a
trade-off of kid's health for money? I don't buy it, and so far have
spent about $5000 converting my various gas vehicles to propane. That is
utterly pissant compared to what it is currently costing anyone that
earns a living in dollars for health care related to vehicle produced
emissions, and that includes production of both hardware and fuel.

> with
> the costs of petroleum products dropping by the year, I'm afraid I just
> can't get all worked up over your fear and loathing of gasoline.

Oh, but you certainly have great sympathy for those terminally ill
people with respiratory problems? Or they don't factor in? I don't
suppose you remember when air quality advisory's hadn't been invented.
Like stay indoors if you are very young, old, or have respiratory
problems? Perhaps you believe that the human's first invented technology
just by chance is not only not harmfull, but is the best technology that
will ever be invented, and by poo poo'ing naysayers, you are doing
anybody a favour. Even the beneficiaries of the current exploitation
don't think their grandchildren will be better off. In fact a
significant number of them are taking their profits, and investing
behind the scenes in less suicidal technology. Some of them don't give a

I do.


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