Abrasive flow finishing

Robert Harris bob at bobthecomputerguy.com
Mon Dec 1 18:25:09 GMT 1997

Source MOPAR MUSCLE Aug 1997
Pushing the Envelope page 72

Extrude Honing the stock cast iron 4 barrel intake manifold, head and cast iron 
log exhaust of an early 340 revealed (in CFM) the following changes from end to 

             Intake			Exhaust
Lift	Before	After	Chg	Before	After	Change
.050	  35	  38	 3	  31	  30	-1
.100	  59	  78	19	  56	  57	 1
.150	  84	112	28	  84	  82	-2
.200	114	145	31	110	109	-1
.250	142	164	22	127	127	 0
.300	164	191	27	138	140	 2
.350	176	203	27	143	151	 8
.400	182	218	36	145	165	20
.450	185	230	45	146	175	29
.500	188	233	45	148	184	36
.550	191	233	42	148	190	42
.600	188	233	45	148	197	49

Results on a Superflow 600 Flowbench at 28 inches.

Extrude Hone
8800 Somerset Blvd.
Dept. MPRM
Paramount Ca 90723
(310) 531-2976

Totally Auto Inc.
3161 State Road
Dept. MPRM
Bensalem, PA 19020
Parts (215) 245-4114
Shop (215) 639-8050

If the first ingredient ain't Habanero, then the rest don't matter.
Other Obsessions: Ferro-Equinary , 1972 "Killer Whale" Mustang
Currently Interred in the Peoples Democratic Republic of California - Stalag 
Puck da guns - ban Politicians!!!!!
Robert Harris <bob at bobthecomputerguy.com>

-----Original Message-----
From:	Robert Gallant [SMTP:gallant at oasys.dt.navy.mil]
Sent:	Monday, December 01, 1997 3:55 AM
To:	diy_efi at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject:	Re: Abrasive flow finishing

> I'm looking for some contacts to have things extrude honed, specifically,
> an intake system (dynamic chamber, upper and lower intake manifolds) for an
> 87 RX-7 (normally aspirated).  I've found resources on the web for
> companies that sell extrude honing equipment, but haven't been able to find
> actualy machine shops that perform the service.

RPM (Roadsports Performance Motoring) in NH used to offer extrude

MailTo:gallant at oasys.dt.navy.mil

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