DIY injector cleaning

Tuck sldbrass at
Thu Dec 4 02:00:02 GMT 1997

I onced kludged together a little backflushing thing for the injectors on
my mazda while I had the thing apart.  It turned out that the red plastic
tube for the gumout tuneup spray wedged almost perfectly in the outlet side
of the injector, so I applied voltage and blasted the cleaner backwards
through the injector.  I doubt it accomplished much, since I sent them to
marren a month later and the printout from when I got them back said two
were dirty, but that's about as close as I could get to DIY cleaning.

Justin "Tuck" Cordesman
SOLID BRASS-> Dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight.

The lips of a Strange Woman drip honey,
and her mouth is smoother than silk.
But her fate is bitter as wormwood...
sharp as a two edged sword.

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