eec-iv publication by TOM.

Bernt Frisk bernt at
Fri Dec 5 20:26:13 GMT 1997

Tom Cloud wrote:
> >newest pdf on eec-iv released last week  ...  named 112601.pdf  ....
> > (bottom of page should say printed 11-26)
> >
> >many have it on their web sites (if you have it, please post
> >the URL)
> >
> >
> >
> oops, brain flatulence -- didn't mean to zing this off into
> cyber-space again ... sorry
> BTW,  bill's site (above) is GREAT ... check it out

Hi Tom.

Thanks for the best EEC-IV publication ever been put
on this DIY_EFI list.. First class job!
Excelent work.

73 de Bernt

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