Ignition question

bruce plecan nacelp at bright.net
Sun Dec 7 23:40:32 GMT 1997

ref John and his .02 worth

Then as I see things, a 120vpri, 12vsec (center tapped) transformer might
be a good beginning for a high freguencey, high voltage source for doing 
the above. power to the center tap, and two power transistors for 
oscillating what would then be the primary.
  Now, in the application I'm working on the max engine speed is 6,000
rpm, and is a v-6, so there are three ignition coils.  (actually I would
use three of the above high freg/HV generators).  Then pulse a SCR for
1 millisecond when the point open signal was received.  The HV coils
would be continually running.  While there might be some loss in timing
accuracy, relighting the plug, would be more effective in making sure 
there is a complete "burn" (IMHO).  Looking for 
agreement/suggestions/improvements/flawed thinking
Again Thanks    Bruce    nacelp at bright.net

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