Fuel pump questions
Mark Eidson
Mark_Eidson at ccm.ch.intel.com
Tue Dec 9 20:28:56 GMT 1997
Text item:
Here is another way to look at it:
The closed loop system is like a siphon. There is no flow between reservoirs
with fluid at the same height no matter where the siphon lines are in the
respective reservoirs. If both lines are submerged in the same tank no flow
will occur unless the pump moves the fuel because the difference in height of
the lines equals the difference in height of the fuel. If the return is above
the fuel the pump has to do the additional work to move the fuel to the higher
level which then falls into the tank dissipating that energy. When the pump
stops the fuel will partially run back into the tank thru both lines from the
highest point in the system if there is no check valve. If there is a check
valve then the fuel in the return line may eventually partially drain back into
the tank from the highest point as vapor enters the system thru the exposed
return line.
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Subject: Re: Fuel pump questions
Author: diy_efi-owner at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu at SMTPGATE
Date: 12/9/97 12:55 PM
> The return line pressure is based on the vertical distance the fuel
> is pumped, not the weight of fuel in the tank. So there would be
> more pressure if the fuel were returned to the top of the tank .
> Most gas tanks are lower than the high point of the system so the
> return line is down hill.
> Bob McKnight phx az
So you mean to tell me that you can just as easily pump water up a 3/8"
pipe 75' straight up and into the bottom of a water tower and that 3/8"
line will have LESS pressure on it than the same line going to the top
of the water tower and dripping in through the top? I've been wrong
before, but I really don't think this is right.
If you put the fuel return line into the bottom of the tank, wouldn't
that be just like pinching the line and creating more pressure? Or the
same as using a smaller fuel line diameter?
Please do explain to me as i don't really understand this i guess...
Andy Quaas
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