Turbo Sunbird

peter paul fenske pfenske at direct.ca
Wed Dec 31 20:47:10 GMT 1997

Hi Mike

Depends on flavor.

If it is a C3 ecm, two ecm connectors, the chip is enclosed
in a black plastic holder and is a 27C32 at least it can
be read this way..

If it is in the Big blue package with the 60 pin connector
It is a 27C128. Sometimes they are 27C256s also
You need to make a cheapy adapter to read the package.
Just so the eprom plugs into the adapter

For the C3 invoke you checksum function from 0002 to 0FFF
The bytes should be the same as 0000,0001

For the P4 big blue invoke the checksum function in your
programmer from 0008 to 3FFF for the 16 k and
0008 to 7FFF for the 32 K
The bytes should be the same as 0006,0007

tnx again Peter

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