Non-DIYEFI/City Code Harassment

Michael Yager yagerm1 at
Wed Feb 19 19:28:11 GMT 1997

About 5 years ago when i live home with my dad, I was always working on my
car. The old lady across the street started complaining. We figured just
ignore her and she'll go away.. WRONG

She filed a 100,000.00 lawsuit against my brother and me (not my dad who 
has money) in county court saying we lowerd the property value, created
noxious fumes and 14 other points. We won the case on a technicality. (She
is only a tenent not a properety owner) 

After she lost she had a friend of the family (cop) write us frizolous
tickets. We spent lots of money and time (months) fighiting these tickets
only to have them droped at the last minute before trial. With no money
for a real lawyer, we had no recourse. The last tickets for loud noise was
finally cleard up last year after 3 years in the courts, attending
frizouls adjounment hearing etc. They even had a city ordinance custom
taylored to us and were forbiden by the judge to work on our cars after
9pm. Unconstitutional ? No money to fight it 

Don't take any shit from the start. Hire a lawyer and fight it all. 
Find out who mad the complaint and deal with this person directly. If you
wait any threats or covert actions will backfire.

Now that we have moved my neighbor is still paying. NO COMMENT : )

  E. Michael Yager  			   	email: yagerm1 at

	Two wrongs can make a right when done properly.

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